Monday, September 13, 2010

5 Reasons You May Be Better Than the Rest of Us...

1. You don't need to pray. In Luke, the disciples asked Jesus how to pray. However, it's great that you have  life well under control and don't need much of God's assistance.

2. You don't need to go to church. The rest of the Body of Christ drags you down from your spiritual high. After all, you have missionary work to do at the ski slope. Next week, it is the yard work ministry.

3. You always know more than the Pastor. Every Sunday is an opportunity to critique the delivery, message, and dress of your local servant of God. A career on American Idol as a judge is sure to come your way soon.

4. Certain parts of the Bible just aren't for you. Because of your outstanding negotiation skills, you have made a special deal with God. Parts of the Bible have been ruled "not applicable" to your life.

5. You have the 67th Book of the Bible at home on your laptop. Included in it are all the solutions to the World's problems. If only God would get it in gear and have some knucklehead  publisher agree with you...

If one of the above five reasons has caused you to chuckle at yourself good, I have not wasted my time.  I confess that I have been guilty of most all of them at one point in my life. My hope is that you really are better than the rest of us.

I have lately seen the words pride and legalist bandied about quiet a bit. Most of the time, it appears the victims of these words are those people who are passionate, sometimes overly so, about certain positive aspects of the Christian life. I think pride can sometimes be a little bit more sneaky. It comes when we are tricked into believing special rules apply just to us. In James, we are reminded to work out our salvation with "fear and trembling." But often our own pride can blind us into complacency. Your thoughts?


  1. A perfectly timed post! Yesterday, I actually thought I didn't "need" Bible study. How quickly God showed me my pride and need for fellowship in His word with others. Thanks for alerting me to this great blog!

  2. ROFL... great list... love the last one, I thought we the church did have all the solutions to the worlds problems, lol... maybe it is just in the delivery.

  3. Awesome, chuckled at every one, but not at myself because I'm batter than the rest of you. Just kidding :-)

  4. Doug: As a pastor I can say that "roast preacher" had probably occurred more than I care to hear. I had to chuckle at the last one though. As for the thought: I think legalism can lead to pride and pride can lead to legalism. Just my .02 worth.

  5. Cool post! And it's a very creative way to address the issue of pride in the church!

    You're absolutely right. I believe that humility is an important part of the Christian walk. Thanks for the reminder, and I think that I won't be so judgmental of my pastor this week as he preaches. Thank you.

  6. Quite enjoyed reading your post! Love that sense of humor! Seems the Lord is very busy in my life extracting every last little vestige of pride - through the various circumstances He sends my way. It's painful and humbling and I think it's supposed to happen, lol!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  7. Doug, I want to thank you for checking out my blog this morning and leaving the comment.

    Also thank you for this post. Spiritual arrogance can lead to our downfall.

  8. Very funny. Loved the post. Pride is certainly a subtle one, but I know God has also never shied away from bringing some humility back in my life. The key is to respond when He calls before all that!

    Thank you, Doug. (and thanks for stopping by my blog as well--I really appreciate it).

  9. This is an excellent post, Douglas! I don't have a church home, so it got to me - it's not that I don't want one, it's just that I can't find one I'm comfortable in! Thanks for your comment; I'm now following you on my Google Reader.

    xo Erin

  10. I especially liked reason #4. I know someone who refused to tithe. He thought that part of the Bible was not relevant and dated. Plus, he tried giving money, and it "didn't work for him". Hmmm.

    Pride? Oh, yes, pride is a sneaky one. Just when I feel as if I've kicked some of my prideful ways, pride comes back on in full force.

  11. Erin,

    Don't give up! Keep on looking for a church. We all have been there I suspect.

  12. This was funny and sad at the same time, because it happens.

    I once heard Matt Chandler say "we need to give grace to the grace killers, otherwise we become one".... that has stuck with me in those very moments I can sense a little legalism/judgement wanting to rise.

  13. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog.

    I laughed at this post... thanks for the much-needed perspective here, and looking forward to more.
