Saturday, April 2, 2011

You may be embarrassed to be a Christian if...

1. The night before your airline flight, you purchased an electronic book reader so you can sit in the lobby of the airport and read your Bible undetected.

2. Your church recently removed any reference to God, Christ, or denomination from its name in order not to offend anyone who may be driving past who may have had a bad experience with God, Christ, or said denomination.

3. When your neighbor mentions they just read the first chapter of Genesis, you are quick to make an excuse for God and point out that this is the one place God didn't quite write it down correctly.

4. When someone mentions Christians and history, you immediately start apologizing about the crusades even though you never had anything to do with them, they happened over 700 years ago, and you still have never met anyone who had the slightest desire to emigrate to Iraq, Jordan, or Syria.

5. When someone accuses you of being a member of the Religious Right, you vehemently deny it even though you have Psalms 139:15,  Ephesians 5:22-33, and Exodus 20:15 underlined in your Bible back at home.

6. The only reason your children know about God is that  you occasionally show them talking vegetable videos.

7. You tape on a Coexist bumper sticker over your Jesus fish when driving into San Francisco, Seattle, or Washington D.C. scared of what may happen to you if your car breaks down.

8. You will wear any contemporary fashion making only the occasional minor adjustment to modesty, but you quickly point out to your friends that those silly women in long dresses and head coverings are all legalists.

9. When the BBC compares Muslim fundamentalists with devoted Christians in the United States, you are quick to point out that you love all people. That is you love all people but over zealous Christians who hand out tracts on the street and make you look bad by implying there actually may be a hell.

10. When your neighbors walk up to your house at Christmas time, they notice an apology note on the outdoor nativity set saying you are extremely sorry for taking over the season and diminishing the importance of Winter Solstice.

Feel free to add your comments, complaints, and your own "You may be embarrassed to be a Christian if..." to the list in the comments.


  1. Thanks for a thought provoking post, Doug- you are hitting close to home on a couple of them. Here's to standing strong for the Lord Jesus & not being ashamed of the Gospel~ Bless you in your work!

  2. WOW, I have to share this today with my reader.Thank Doug

  3. Ok, so you mean to tell me that I have to wear head coverings and have the name of God in my Churches title to be a Christian?

  4. No, I don't think you have to wear head coverings or can't call your church Main Street Community Church. The whole point of this was to get us (that includes me) thinking about how often we do things because we don't want to be embarrassed by the World as being different,less intelligent, or intolerant. We all know being embarrassed is no fun.

  5. I am so glad you stopped by my place so I could bounce back here. It has been awhile and I forgot how funny you are!

    #7 Oh the dreaded coexsist bumper sticker. . .blah!

  6. This is funny and, sadly, true in too many circumstances. The talking veggies comment is the best (we love those talking veggies at our house).

  7. We have quite a collection of talking veggies in our house also. I have trouble thinking sometimes that Goliath wasn't really a very large talking Pickle.

  8. A very interesting list! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

    With regards to #1 - I'm wondering if a person bringing a large Bible to read whenever they are in public places, is not comparable to a pharisee! I don't have an e-reader, but I think it's a great idea to bring that along! In either case, I know it is God who judges the heart's motives!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!

  9. I really enjoyed this post. Got some laughs. Why should we apologize for being Christians? Nobody of any other religion seems to feel he has to apologize. A true Christian can always be charitable, but a true Christian is never politically correct.
