Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hurrah for Advent!

2010 Advent Reading Calender
For years, it seemed I would bungle through Advent hit or miss. I would start thinking about Advent on December 1st, and then when I looked at the reading list and realize I was already days behind. That is if I could manage to find the reading list from where I had tucked it away last January. Then throughout December, I would pull out the list and wonder... now which verse are we on tonight. Are we in the 3rd week 4th day?

But I finally got smart. By getting smart, I mean that I made up a calender. A calender which shows which day each reading was supposed to be done. Not only that, but I  could also write each child's name down on the day that was their day. The day they were to pick the song, light and blow out the candles on the advent wreath, then hang up the marker on our countdown to Christmas calender forever indicating that we were one more day closer to Christmas.  

(For a copy of our advent calender just click the link below)

There is certainly is no right or wrong way to do Advent.  There isn't even anything in the Bible instructing us to celebrate Christmas much less establishing a formal Advent season. After all, Jesus most likely wasn't even born in December. The Puritans, who I consider arguably one of bravest and greatest Christian groups in all of history, didn't even celebrate Christmas because it had degenerated into a raucous party back in merry old England.

But today, who would want to miss out on a chance to join the rest of the world in the biggest of all celebrations. Especially, when it is our celebration. And Advent keeps our family focused on what it is all about: The virgin birth of Jesus the Christ.
How does your family do Advent or keep your focus on Jesus Christ over Christmas?


  1. Other than the "traditional" church Christmas thing my family never did much. We talked a lot about it but was not part of a church tradition that had much to do with Advent calendars. Our girls are now adults and out of the house so it is a moot point for us. However, if they were still home and younger I would do an Advent calendar at least once to see how it works.

  2. This is great, thanks. I always find myself scrambling with the first advent sunday, to get it together. Even though I have an entire year to prepare for it, it always seems to appear out of nowhere.

  3. I've never really observed Advent, but I've been gaining more and more interest in it. I even have an Advent devotional guide this year... but no candles or anything else. I love the idea though, and think that I'll step up my game a little bit this year too!


  4. Thanks for the calendar, Douglas. I didn't grow up observing the Church calendar, but I've enjoyed learning and adopting over the past ten years or so.

    I typically pull out the Presbyterian hymnal I stole from the choir years ago and play/sing/pick the guitar through the Advent songs (and then on and off until the end of Pentecost). I also like to visit for info and links.

  5. I should have mentioned that the playing/singing/picking is with the kids. Have a peaceful Advent with your family.

  6. My Eldest makes little gifts for my Youngest, one a day beginning with the first day of Advent. It's sweet. And it's the perfect thing in my opinion.

  7. I love, love, love Advent. I just feel it all the way to my roots--this waiting. And I waited so long for my husband to believe and now we finally observe these traditions together. This year was the first that he has been involved in our Advent preparations every evening. It is a beautiful year. Thanks for sharing in the excitement and wonder of it all with me!
