Friday, May 7, 2010

What's Your Sign?

What's does your Church sign say?  There is one down the street from me which says,"Soul Out of Shape, Let God be your Personal Trainer." Another states,"Sorry Looks Back, Worry Looks Forward, Faith Looks Up!"  An hour south from my home, I saw a sign which read, "Every Choice Leads Somewhere."  The quote was even attributed to God himself.

I have become increasingly burdened about how our major media outlets ignore the pain and suffering of people around the world because they are Christians. Five hundred Christians, mostly women and children, in Nigeria murdered and there is barely a word mentioned.  A young poor Pakistani girl attacked then thrown into prison for contacting the police? Nothing on CNN. China repatriating escaped North Korean Christians to almost certain death. You don't read about that on the news flashes when you sign onto your Yahoo email account.  A father of ten and a pastor in the most dangerous place in the world killed for his faith in Christ. That doesn't make the evening news.

We Christians do, however, have tens of thousands of  church sign boards across the USA. What if instead of telling people to "Smile for Jesus Today" we say, "Pastor Thrown in Prison. Wife Hungry " "Korean Girl Thrown in Concentration Camp for having Bible." What if we turned from catchy snippets to telling a blind world about the battle going on with "principalities of darkness." It may get peoples attention; which we don't have now. It might get some to walk back through those church doors because they are looking for something of such value that people are willing to give their lives for it. Let's not let such great promotional real estate go to waste.